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Track King Rules & Help

t1. Terms and Conditions
Thu 10th Jul 14
These Terms and Conditions have been established in order to ensure the integrity of Track King, and to retain a fair, equitable and friendly environment within the game. Each login to the Track King website is taken as agreement by the player to abide by the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. One Stable per person, one person per Stable. You are the sole person responsible for the management of your stable. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that their password and username are secure, and that they do not allow others to access their stable. Management of multiple stables is forbidden. Only ONE stable permitted per player. Should you decide to retire from Track King, your stable must be allowed to reset - it is forbidden to give/sell your stable to anyone.
  2. Login to keep your membership 'active'. One login is required at least once every 7 weeks to signify that your Stable is still active. Several reminder emails will be sent during extended periods of inactivity to alert you to any 'inactive stable' closure.
  3. Valid, unique Email address will be supplied by each player. A valid email address must be supplied to allow automated email notices, for retrieving lost passwords, and more importantly, to allow Track King Staff to contact you in relation to gaming issues. Your Email address will remain hidden from all Track King players and staff, and will not be referred on to any third party under any circumstances.
  4. Multiple stables from one internet IP address. Where multiple stables are accessed from the one shared IP address, any transfer of Track King money between stables (auction activity, private stakes races etc) is not allowed. Any breach of this rule will be viewed suspiciously and investigated thoroughly.
  5. Fair trade, Fair play. Privately organised 'trade deals' or money transfers between stables is not permitted. All Auction and Race activity is to be conducted in a fair and equitable manner.
  6. Track King is not responsible for the actions of a player Each player in Track King is totally responsible for their behaviour. Track King is not responsible for any infringement of copyrights, trademarks or other laws broken by any Track King player.
  7. Abusive or offensive behaviour not permitted. Forums, in-game mail, and any other text or images supplied by the player must be of a socially responsible and appropriate nature.
  8. 'Screen scraping' software and other malicious attacks not permitted. It is not permitted to manipulate URLs or using any automated 'script' or other processes in order to obtain, scan or change information on the Track King website. The Track King website may only be navigated by utilising the links provided within the site.
  9. Track King staff have the authority to decide if the Terms and Conditions have been broken. All appointed MOD's, GM's, and TK's within Track King have been given the authority to investigate issues within the game, and decide whether an individual is in breach of these Terms and Conditions. Track King staff may or may not privately discuss any breaches of these Terms and Conditions with the individual, or with other Track King staff. Issues will not be publicly discussed excepting to respond to any public questions raised by the player under investigation. Should a Track King staff member determine that a player is in breach of these Terms and Conditions, the staff member then has the authority to decide upon an appropriate penalty. These penalties may take the form of any/all of the following:
    • Fining the offending stable an appropriate amount of Track King money;
    • Removal of any auction bid;
    • Scratching of any horse from any race;
    • Editing of offensive postings, stable name, horse names, or username;
    • Temporary suspension of any player from Track King;
    • Permanent closure of any Track King stable.

As a general courtesy, you are requested to be respectful and courteous when dealing with others in the public forums or through in-game mails in order to maintain an environment that is suitable for people of all ages and cultures. Where any breach of the rules above is noticed, it is requested that players utilise the "Contact a GM" link provided on the 'Home' or 'Forum' or 'Help' pages, to allow Track King admin staff to investigate.

Thankyou for taking the time to read the Terms and Conditions, and it is sincerely hoped that you enjoy your Track King experience.

Privacy Policy

Track King does not in any circumstance reveal or release your personal data to any third party, or to any other players within the game. Aside from providing a valid email address for registration processes and for retrieving lost passwords, there is no requireement on the part of the user to provide any personal identifying information. Any other information gathered during the registration process is used solely for the purpose of assigning your stable to a Local Track that may be of some significance to your home/nationality, or in the course of determining if your stable is a duplicate/multiple application from the one person.

Cookies are used sparingly within the Track King site, particularly to enable some Owners Club features. Allowing Cookies for Track King is highly recommended. No personal data or passwords are stored in cookies - only a counter of how many unread emails you have, and horse/jockey ID numbers.

We use third-party advertising companies (particularly Google) to serve ads to non-Owners Club members. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here

Pop-Ups are only used as a navigational aid for the Track King tutorial. It is possible to play Track King with pop-ups disabled, and there is no need to allow them for this site.


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