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Track King Rules & Help

a2. User forums
Tue 10th Jan 12
There's a lot of information to be gained - and fun to be had - on the Forums
* Please treat the rest of the Community politely, with respect

The Forums are the main place that all Track Kings can come to chat. Everyone is welcome to join, sharing views and opinions on all sorts of topics, whether that be asking for help or advice, bragging about your latest champion horse or race victory, lamenting over the race that got away or a massive loss on a sure thing, or just talking about your favourite past-time outside of Track King.

There are two different types of forum - Public forums, which are the ones tied to Tracks/Continents...and of course the Global Forum - and there are Private forums. (See Owners Club). The heading in the top left of the Forum Page will remind you which type of Forum you are currently looking at.

By default, you will remain subscribed to the Global Forum, to your Continent's Forum, to your Regional Track's Forum, and also to your Local Track's Forum. Feel free to go snooping on conversations in other Continent or Track Forums - you can find them by looking for a particular track homepage, region homepage, or continent homepage, and then using the link in the Page Menu to visit their forum. If you like the chatter then feel free to subscribe!

When using Public Forums, it is important to remember that you are in public, and that Track Kings come from all age-groups and backgrounds, so be sure to behave appropriately! General code of Forum conduct is:

  • No swearing or abusive language;
  • No verbal attacks on any other player;
  • No spamming, repetitive messaging, bumping threads, SHOUTING or other comments aiming to discriminate or vilify individuals or groups;
  • No auction ads in Global Forum
  • English text only.

If you feel offended by the behaviour or language of any other Track King, there is a link from the Help Page Menu and also from the Forum Page Menu to report to Track King staff. Any reports will remain anonymous, and will be dealt with discreetly by staff. The Track King staff have the right to edit or delete any inappropriate comments, as well as to hand out penalties or Forum bans to any Track Kings that refuse to follow the guidelines. Of course, it is sincerely hoped that there will be no need for any penalties - after all, this is jsut a game!

In Private forums, the rules are a little more relaxed. In fact, the codes of conduct within each Private forum is at the discretion of the Forum owner. Each Forum owner has the right to invite or uninvite any other Track King for whatever reason they see fit.


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