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Track King Rules & Help

a1. Denominations
Sun 18th Dec 16
* Remember that each point on the rating scale is actually a 'range'.
* For example, 'Vigorous' describes the top 10% of medical/physical condition.

The following are descriptions of the ratings scales used in Track King. Rather than come back to this page every time you need to check the scale, you can always click on the rating itself - that will bring up a window that shows you where that value sits in the relevant scale.

Skills/prestige rating scale
  1. Dire
  2. Awful
  3. Miserable
  4. Underdone
  5. Ordinary
  6. Average
  7. Moderate
  8. Adequate
  9. Acceptable
  10. Satisfactory
  11. Reasonable
  12. Admirable
  13. Excellent
  14. Grand
  15. Tremendous
  16. Marvelous
  17. Majestic
  18. Spectacular
  19. Imposing
  20. Awe-inspiring
Medical/physical condition ratings
  1. Incapacitated
  2. Debilitated
  3. Exhausted
  4. Wasted
  5. Drained
  6. Spent
  7. Weary
  8. Adequate
  9. Fresh
  10. Vigorous
Track conditions (from fastest to slowest)
  • Fast
  • Good
  • Dead
  • Slow
  • Heavy
Race distances (from shortest to longest)
  • Sprint(up to 1250m)
  • Short (1251m to 1500m)
  • Medium (1501m to 1800m)
  • Long (1801m to 2200m)
  • Epic (over 2200m)

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