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Track King Rules & Help

09. Administrative staff
Tue 10th Jan 12
Admin staff will help earn you interest and income, and also help reduce your costs - but only to a limit

Administrative assistants manage the office at your stable, taking care of some of the day-to-day financial aspects of owning a stable. If you have many debts or many funds available, you can hire an administrative assistant to reduce your interest rates, or find the best investment for your bank account. Administrative assistants can be found on the 'Stable facilities and training' page.

Administrative assistant functions include:

  • increasing interest received for positive bank balance;
  • decreasing interest payable for negative bank balance (overdraft);
  • affecting capacity and public leasing of agistment stalls;
  • affecting capacity and public leasing of training facilities;
  • helping with general facilities expenses by getting you the best price;
  • reducing travel costs by getting you the cheapest deals;
  • keeping up good relations with your sponsors;

You'll need to pay a one-time fee to hire or fire Administrative assistants. On top of this, they are paid a wage each week - the amount adminsitrative assistants demand to hire/fire, and also for their weekly services and is determined by your racing class level.


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