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Track King Rules & Help

02. Starting a stable
Fri 20th Jan 12
* Start your own Stable for FREE! And be sure to tell friends to mention your username when they join!
* Have a read of the Common Questions FAQ
* Expand your stable carefully, and make sure your expenses don't get too big.

To register to become a Track King, use one of the "Start your own stable" links on the Track King logon page. Remember, you can only manage one stable! Opening multiple stables in Track King is not acceptable.

Firstly, you will need to provide some basic details about yourself, and where you live. It is important to tell you that your details will not be given to anyone else - they're just to help confirm your identity to the staff of Track King. The more information you supply, the faster we can get you started, and the more chance we have of preventing cheats or false applications. If you don't provide much personal information, it is likely that you will be contacted by Track King staff to help confirm that you are a genuine applicant.

Next, you will need to choose a Username and password for the game. Your Username is the name that you (as a Manager) will be known by in the game. You can change your username and password at any time when you are registered, but remember - usernames are unique! Once someone has been given a username, nobody else can have it. Regarding passwords, it is good to use passwords that have letters and numbers in them to make it harder for anyone to hack into your account... but make sure it is a password you can remember!

Finally, after giving your personal and logon details, you will be asked to choose a name for the Stable you will manage. Just like with Usernames, the name of your stable can be changed at a later date, but it must be unique. Your Stable Nationality is where you can show national pride, by choosing the country that you want to represent. The flag of this country will be added to your stable, and every horse that is born in your stable will carry this flag. You will also be asked to provide details of the Continent that your stable is currently based in. This will determine the 'physical' location of your stable, and the time of the day that racing starts. Your Continent does not have to be the same as your Nationality - for example, it is quite fine to be an Australian stable racing in Europe. (See Continents)

After you have lodged your registration, most players will get an automated email with a link to register your stable and start playing. If your email was incorrect, or if there are some other complications, then you can expect a reply email within 1-48 hours to let you know that your stable has been registered for you! It's your time to shine!!

After being accepted into the world of Track King, your account will remain open as long as you login at least once every 50 days, or if you are currently a member of the Owners Club. After approximately 3-4 weeks of inactivity, you'll receive an automated Email reminding you that you'll need to return to your stable sometime in order to keep it active. After 50 days of inactivity your stable will be reset completely. Of course, you'll be able to return to Track King in the future, but you'll have to register again.

Getting Help, and Mentors

The Track King Community have created some great tools and guides to help you. Or you can ask for a Mentor to guide you as you learn the game

There is a stable-load of information to learn about Track King! But the basics are quite simple, and you should be able to explore your stable and your horses and enter some races, within no time!

For a quick-fire introduction, check out the FAQ Section of the Rules, and also the Hints and Tips. Have a look around your Stable, and then maybe check out some of the External Sites. Of course, the best place to get detailed information is this Help Guide.... but there's a lot to read!

If you'd like a person to give you some hints and tips and guide you as you find your way, then use the "Get Help" link in the right-hand menu, and a player will be appointed as your personal Mentor, to help you get to grips with things. Alternatively, have a read through the Forums - there is a special forum dedicated to getting helpful advice.

Whichever way you choose, there are plenty of helpful resources to get you started in the world of Track King


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